Bad Blood

The series is based on a story by Bora Stanković

Bad Blood Bad Blood
A tragic family saga, set in the late 19th century in the heart of the Balkans, tells of kindred intrigues, passionate love affairs and bloody twists in the old and tired Ottoman Empire at its turning point - when it is being eaten away by national desires of the local natives...

Genre: History/Drama
Country of Production: Serbia
Original Title: Nečista krv
Year of Production: 2021
Duration: 10x55' HD
Cast: Dragan Bjelogrlić, Marko Grabež, Nedim Nezirović, Nela Mihailović, Teodora Dragićević, Sara Sandeva, Dragan Mićanović, Katarina Radivojević and many other.
Screenplay by: Vojislav Nanović, Milena Marković, Dejan Prćić, Katarina Mitrović
Directed by: Milutin Petrović and Goran Stanković

субота, 01. јун 2024.
26° C


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